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Orayanee dropped out of school and married her university classmate's commercial relative, Whim. From this marriage, she got two daughters - the elder being Peckroy, a sweet and gentle girl like her mother, and the younger being Ployrung, with the inherent qualities of resilience and ambition. Throughout her entire married life, Orayanee only took care of her children and husband, as he didn't allow her to do anything else. However, after her husband's death, Orayanee suddenly found herself being ignored by her daughters, with Peckroy inheriting the house and Ployrung taking over the company. Whenever the girls needed advice, they always called their uncle on a whim. Even the household servant started to neglect Orayanee. It was at this time that Orayanee's old friend Phumek returned to her life. Meanwhile, Peckroy became disillusioned with love because her boyfriend cheated on her, getting another girl pregnant. However, she still needed the companionship of a man, and Tacha appeared in her life with some hidden motive. This story is adapted from Wor's novel of the same name. 展开全部


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